Exclusive Evening | Exhibit & Performance - Sept 27

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An exclusive evening with renowned international artists Nuria Garcia Masip and Bahman Panahi to inaugurate the Seldon Islamic Art Studio.

The evening will feature an exhibit on Islamic Calligraphy and a live performance of Musicalligraphy — a term coined by Bahman Panahi to capture the relationship between the two artistic domains of music and calligraphy in his compositions.

Friday, September 27th, 6:00PM - 8:30PM

6:00PM-7:00PM | Exhibit and Reception with the Artists. Hors d'oeuvres will be served.

7:00PM-8:30PM | Live Musicalligraphy Performance. An immersive experience in the visual and auditory elements of contemporary calligraphy.

Space is limited | RSVP required | 100% of proceeds support the Seldon Islamic Art Studio

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About the Artists

Nuria Garcia Masip

Born in Ibiza, Spain, Nuria Garcia Masip is a traditional calligraphy artist specializing in the Thuluth and Naskh scripts. Her work is firmly rooted in the Classical School of Calligraphy and preserves the techniques and materials of the tradition.

Bahman Panahi

Franco-Iranian artist Bahman Panahi is a contemporary artist, master calligrapher, and musician. His work highlights calligraphy as a living art, where gesture is combined with rhythm in the search for balance and harmony.